Polityka bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego państw Zatoki Perskiej w XXI wiekuTalking about crisis symptoms visible in the fi rst decade of the 21st century we normally take into account the crisis of highly developed countries. It is worth noticing, however, that during the same period the ...
Wspólna Polityka Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony – nowa strategia początkiem końca?This article examines developments within the European Union's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) in 2016. First, the authors focus on analysing the consequences the adoption of European Global Strategy, the ...
The aspect of ensuring social security for the beneficiaries of the system is raised in the context of benefits which are much lower than in the general insurance system.Pogonowski, IgorCentral European Political Studies / rodkowoeuropejskie Studia Polityczne...
Polityka bezpieczeństwa na stadionach piłkarskich szczebla centralnego w PolsceIn the article the authors analyse the results of research conducted among the participants of the fifteenth edition of the conference 'Safe Stadium' that was held in Kielce on October 25th, 2015. Based on selected ...
Polityka bezpieczeństwa Rosji za prezydentury Dmitrija Miedwiediewa a interesy PolskiThe article analyses the consequences of Russian security policy towards Poland during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev. The author seeks answers to the following questions: what was the influence of the Russian ...
Wspólna Polityka Bezpieczeństwa i ObronyThe topic of this paper concerns the issue of the multidimensional threats faced by the EU's security strategies. Its purpose is to present how the documents analyzed here, namely the European Security Strategy adopted in Dec...
Wspólna Polityka Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony UE w 2014 roku - tętno jeszcze wyczuwalne, ale jak długo?The paper discusses developments within the Common Security and DefencePolicy (CSDP) in the year 2014. It is structured around three main topics: the politicaland economic conditions for ...
In particular, discussed were issues related to the consolidation or even building a national identity of Roma, Roma education, protection of their culture and the correlation between social exclusion and cultural security of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic.Elżbieta Szyszlak...
Part three discusses the basis for the environmental policy of the State, and part four presents some assumptions of the environmental policy of the State that are associated with ecological security of Poland.Krzysztof Pyter
MOCZULSKI, L. (2009): Geopolityka: korzyści i niebezpieczeństwa. Przegląd geopolityczny, 2009, 1, 9-25.Moczulski L. (2009), Geopolityka: korzyści i niebezpieczeństwa, „Przegląd Geopolityczny", Vol. 1MOCZULSKI, L. (2009): Geopolityka: korzyści i niebezpiecze...