(2007). Legitimacy in an age of global politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Hurrelmann, A., Schneider, S. and Steffek, J. (eds) (2007) Legitimacy in an Age of Global Politics, Houndsmills, UK/New York, NY, Palgrave Macmillan....
Finally, to the extent that neoabolitionist projects derive legitimacy from interventions abroad, especially in the global South, I chronicle the edifice on which it rests in one such context, namely India, to demonstrate how countries in the global South are not merely conduits for the global ...
challenges the Arab nation-state's monopoly on history and violence, and asks whether public narratives of violence, memory and justice consolidate or challenge political legitimacy of current regimes. This book was published as a special issue of Mediterranean Politics....
Of this we shall speak presently. However, in asking for the legitimations of this obedience, one meets with these three pure types: traditional, charismatic, and legal. These conceptions of legitimacy and their inner justifications are of very great significance for the structure of domination. ...
This reinforces dominant industry-favoured framings that ever more research is needed, there remains open debate about the harms, it is too early to undertake decisive far-reaching policy reform, and divergent views are therefore of equal legitimacy (Oreskes & Conway, 2011). Other critical ...
“We will not let any foreign entities that seek to do harm to Canada or Canadians, erode faith in our democratic institutions, or question the legitimacy of our democracy,” Blair claimed. The convoy began in Western Canada to protest cross-border vaccine mandates for truckers and continued as...
This trend raises questions about the symbolic significance of blood and the degree to which blood connections can stretch and still carry a sense of legitimacy. It also raises questions about how much racial blending can occur before Cherokees cease to be identified as a distinct people and ...
‘goodness and rightness that development agencies need to assert the legitimacy to intervene in the lives of others’ (Cornwall & Brock,Citation2005, p. 1045). Concepts such as empowerment were originally critical approaches by feminist groups from the Majority World. They remained neglected for ...
These established the Turkish republic as a secular national state, in place of the multi-national Ottoman Empire, which had based its legitimacy on its attachment to Islam (at least, in the eyes of its Muslim subjects). In cutting the link between the state and Islam, the republic was, ...
CNA participation can alter the preferences of education policy elites through socialization and the generation of status competition. Assessment agencies draw on their legitimacy as authoritative, "scientific" arbiters of education qual- ity to shape the priorities of education officials. OECD, which ...