Every political aspirant and activist knows the media are important. But there is little agreement on how an increasingly diversified media operate in post-authoritarian transitions and how they might promote, or impede, the pathways to a sustainable liberal democracy in the 21st century. This book...
Find the most up-to-date statistics and facts on the impact of media on politics in the United States.
Find the most up-to-date statistics and facts on the impact of social media on politics in the United States. Social media is an important influencing factor in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
The essays in this volume stress the connection between issues of (im)migration and media. Though these are ostensibly different fields, the contributors - scholars from a wide range of countries - address how their interconnection has become part of our understanding of the world's global cities...
Significant efforts to develop an independent journalism have stumbled badly in Central Asia, where politics, economics and the unforeseen consequence of widespread self-censorship have derailed development of a Western-style media and the democracy it serves. What is worse, from Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan...
Mediaite is the top U.S. website covering the intersection of media and politics with original reporting and bi-partisan commentary
politics in the public sphere, but also the backstage of the political game, the struggle for controlling the media agenda and the “vultures” from the media. We experience close up the consequences of politics and of being a politician—all the way into the bedroom of some of the main ...
【择校】谢菲尔德的Politics and Media in East Asia 格拉斯哥的creative industries and cultural policy 据我所知谢菲的在东亚院,录取门槛较低且国人很多,但课程设置我比较喜欢,感觉容易学进去;格拉的在...
. Public opinion has dramatically shifted from positive to negative in Korea society especially since the IMF crisis. Such terms as 'aristocratic union', 'collectivism', 'damages on public interest' became a kind of conventional wisdom. Undoubtedly, media's representation has much to do with such...
我要写书评 The Media in American Politics的书评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 只看本版本的评论 龙辰 2012-03-14 17:38:58 南京大学出版社2009版 美国政治中的媒体 《美国政治中的媒体--内容和影响》(第二版),David Paletz著,宋韵雅、王璐菲译,南京大学出版社,2010年12月第1版。 媒体无处不在,...