Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. Robert Louis Stevenson, British novelist 也许从事政治是人们认为唯一不必作任何准备就能从事的职业。 英国小说家斯蒂文森.R.L. Power is the great aphrodisiac. Herry A Kissiger,American diplomat 权力是最猛烈的催欲剂。
Perhaps we too have been somewhat lulled into acceptance of Lee's nostalgic depiction of southern paternalism and noblesse oblige, but I suspect that there are at least three other contributing factors as to why Lee's novel isn't taught much at the college level or closely scrutinized by ...
Yet, perhaps the greatest challenge falls to those who would themselves be married: to undertake a careful examination of their own intentions, the intentions that describe their expectations, define their identities, and will shape their outcomes. Perhaps the queerest among them will even recognize ...
"These are pivotal moments for our country and for our future. If we are to restore trust in our politics, we must deliver public services that work better for the people we serve. “The budget enables us to do so but we must do more. It is time to come toge...
He said: "The Europeans and perhaps some other countries too have got to consider how they are going to put forces on the ground to play their part in providing, enduring security and deterrence, for Ukraine. Now, that's the reset that we are looking for." ...
Or perhaps the best thing is actually Blooket. A self-paced quiz app, where getting questions right can give you the edge in a larger game in which you are trying to catch fish or steal crypto from your classmates. To get a genuine sense of what playing a Blooket is like, you will ...
Perhaps that aspiration for greatness was best expressed by John Kennedy, when he said in his 1961 inaugural address,“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”That spirit probably started to die when Kennedy did, and Davis reviews, in heart-rending...
Perhaps only a highly-skilled follower of Machiavelli could escape from this predicament, by gaining a reputation for consistency without deserving it.doi:10.1111/j.1477-7053.1994.tb01270.xMark A. GarnettJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Government & Opposition...
Perhaps even some more moderate Arabic nations will sway towards helping Israel in some way. More armaments that the Israeli government has contracted (ordered, bought and paid for) from the US will be delivered. The Houthis must be stopped. Besides firing at Israel almost daily, they have ...