But she's interested in politics, so that enough reason to do an 'A' level. I agree that MFL should be taught in a cultural context in an academic context. Which she's not interested in, so enough reason not to do a MFL 'A' level. ...
DS is considering politics A'level which he wants to combine with Economics and Psychology. He doesn't know what he wants to study at uni. Is politic...
I am hopeful on regulatory issues. Trump dida reasonably good jobof slowing the onslaught of red tape in his first term. Perhaps he can actually roll back the level of regulation in his second term. I expect environmentalists will not be happy when the dust settles. The election will proba...
I’m no expert, but the recipes (advertised as for any level of baker) do look easy enough and pretty tasty. I need to get around to trying them someday. But more importantly, the way that Ganzer weaves the various breads and factoids about it (wow, Germans seem to love the stuff)...
Editor: Like with all things; Trump has sold a large group of Americans on his endless grift-Trump University, Trump Steaks, Mugshot T-shirts, Trump Bibles, and of course now the infamous ‘souvenir’ inaugural tickets. What follows are a few good ideas from our friend Cate Hessel on how...
Of course, since Pol=4gβ(1−β), Pol and g evolve in the same direction. There are very few empirical studies using school district data for analysing public school quality, except Arcalean and Schiopu (2012). They explain total public funding at the school district level by characteristic...
Of course, local, state and federal issues aren’t the most important parts of life but indirectly issues play a role. To keep it simple, we should use that old reporter’s method of research “Who, What, When, Where and Why” but with some adjustments to personalize. Eventually, “How...
Trump’s great at these sort of appearances and nothing could be more American than a Trump photo-op at a McDonalds. Trump has made no secret for many years that he loves eating McDonalds food. Of course, what has Dems and liberal media mouthpieces so outraged is he expertly trolled ...
Economics lecturer Maxim Boycko wrote in a Wednesday email to students in Economics 1010a: “Intermediate Microeconomics” that the course’s typical in-class quizzes would be optional. “As we recover from the eventful election night and process the implications of Trump’s victory, please know...
No, British democracy isn’t safer than America’s New election laws will be a defining test of Rishi Sunak’s integrity The Tories must reverse course on voter IDs UK pressure groups Thousands of farmers protest in London against tax changes Double-down or pivot to Labour: the choice facing...