What does the Constitution say about the early actions of this new administration? Bring your ideas and questions to this Braver Angels debate, where we’ll dive head first into a discussion of President Trump’s polarizing promises. Join the Braver Angels Debate Team Tuesday, February 25th @8...
“The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups,” said Musk in a Friday night tweet. “They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.” The ...
【古希腊的宇宙】古希腊人理解的“自然”世界即宇宙(cosmos):独立自足、自己运动的事物秩序(one of the most remarkable things about the Greeks is that, from very early times, they came to understand this cosmos as a self-contained, self-moved order of things. … For them, it was not an order...
In a few hours I turn 42. If you care about this, and frankly I don’t know why you would but some of you seem to, here are some things you can do. 1) Donate to So Others Might Eat: some.org/services/housi… (1/2)
It’s not about the polarization of his beliefs, but about his affective polarization — his disdain for the “other side.” Imagine a version of Elon Musk who believes mostly the same things, but who can see his opponents’ humanity and the better motivations for their beliefs, even as ...
The Worsening Rift Between Australia and China Is a Harbinger of Things to Come. https://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/trend-lines/29293/therift-in-australia-china-relations-is-a-ha rbinger-of-things-to-come Chorzempa, M., and L.V. Daniels. 2023. New US export controls: key policy ...
2. Non-hedonistic mental-state utility,the things worth doing and having in life are not all reducible to one mental state like happiness. One response is to say that many different kinds of experiences are valuable, and that we should promote the entire range of valuable mental states.……...
"To be a political science major take a lot of patience. You never know what thoughts or opinions you’ll form along the way. I’d say it is a pretty easy major if you show passion towards some issue or are eager to learn more about new things within United states government or polic...
Methods are often thought of as neutral tools that researchers can pick up and use to learn about a reality ‘out there.’ Motivated by growing recognition of complexity, there have been widespread calls to mix methods, both within and across disciplines
This essay emphasises the mitigating factors that others gloss over.Arguments about the advantages or disadvantages of capitalism or government dominate political debate. This essay contends that these arguments, when they are not just about their author's feelings, are usually incorrect or misleading....