2001. Some notes on political theory and American Indian values: The case of the Muscogee Creeks. American Indian culture and research journal 25:129-135.Chaudhuri, J. (2001). Some notes on political theory and American Indian values: The case of the Muscogee Creeks. American Indian Culture ...
-so, consider Sorel’sReflections on Violence, which ‘reflections on the use of force is a theory of unmediated real 67: life -Proudhon & Bakunin against all systematic unity, uniformity, parl, bureaucracy, military, police, religion
The concept of a madman theory dates back to at least 1517 when Niccolò Machiavelli wrote inThe Princethat sometimes it is “a very wise thing to simulate madness.” Use of “Madman Theory” in a sentence The madman theory, employed by President Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War, involve...
However, as William Safire notes, “these suicides, like the report of Mark Twain’s death, are usually exaggerations. Actions unpopular on their face can be take as evidence of courage.” Use of “Political Suicide” in a sentence The politician’s decision to vote against his party’s pos...
Abstract Introduction Theory and Hypotheses Analytical Strategy Method Results—Panel Data Analysis Results—Experiment Discussion Data availability Notes References Acknowledgements Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About this articleDiscover...
Taking class studies as an example, the development from Lenin's theory on the possession of the means of production to those on faith and bureaucracy gave rise to the conclusion on the presence of “pro-capitalism party members among those in power”, rendering “continuous revolution” a ...
(2013). Generally, entropy’s use has a broad and longstanding history in information theory (see, e.g., Gray 2011). To our knowledge, this paper is the first to employ such a combination of tools to assess the similarity between the economic content of political speeches and the patterns...
Andrew Jackson introduced a system of rotation in office, under which government jobs were regularly rotated among party members. In theory, this system would create an egalitarian system, in which no one person was allowed to dominate any particular office. ...
Weber, Max. 1947.The theory of social and economic organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wesoky, Sharon R., and Ping Le. 2017. The politics of cynicism and neoliberal hegemony: Representations of gender in Chinese internet humor. InNot just a laughing matter: Interdisciplinary approaches...
11 This belief was very effective in countering the claim of Jaʿfar, the brother of Imām Ḥasan ʿAskarī, to the Imāmate. Modarressi argues that Ibn Qiba Rāzī in particular played a significant role in establishing the theory of naṣ in the Shīʿī school Modarressi (1993)....