– this epic film offers a thought-provoking examination of racial tensions in 20th-century America. With Washington's impassioned performance at its core, this incisive and moving masterpiece remains a vital part of the political movie canon. Released: 1992 Directed by: Spike Lee Also ranks...
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean AnthropologyDe la Cadena, Marisol. 1996. “The Political Tensions of Representation: Intellectuals and Mestizas in Cuzco.” Journal of Latin American Anthropology 2(1): 112–147....
Many Marxist revisionists tended towardanarchism, stressing theHegelianand utopian elements of his theory. The Hungarian philosopherGyörgy Lukács, for example, and the German-born American philosopherHerbert Marcuse, who fledNaziGermanyin 1934, won some following in the mid-20th century am...
Eventually, tensions exploded in the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. The beginning of the French Revolution has similar elements, but the physical distance between oppressor and oppressed was much smaller. This resulted in much more violent uprisings and demonstrations. The ...
the tensions that agitated Indonesian society prior to the failed coup, while his bookNyanyi Sunyi Seorang Bisu(1995;The Mute’s Soliloquy) specifically addresses his years on Buru. The events surrounding the September 30th Movement also provided the setting for the award-winning filmsThe Year of...
Both the IOC and the International Federation were concerned with this issue for four more years. This article uses the Puliti affair to discuss several aspects of nationalism in the mid-1920s: the growing tensions between Fascist Italy and democracies such as Hungary and France, the specific ...
The Professionalization of Instructional Leadership in the United States: Competing Values and Current Tensions1 While there has been considerable scholarship on the role of school and district leadership within instructional change, there has been little analysis of the values and orientations that under...
Despite negotiations, tensions continued to escalate. Then on an August night in 1961, the East Germans put up a barbed wire fence to keep people from moving from East Berlin into West Berlin. This was eventually replaced by a cement wall. Tensions did not ease after the building of the ...
The Holocaust—the large-scale extermination of European Jews by the Nazis—led many Jews to seek refuge in Palestine and many others, especially in the United States, to embrace Zionism. As tensions grew among Arabs and Zionists, Britain submitted the Palestine problem first to Anglo-U.S. dis...
Joe Biden’s foreign policy has been consistently and impressively bellicose, aggressively supporting wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and amping up tensions with China. And his anointed successor, who has something like a 50-50 chance of succeeding him, looks to be following suit. Many peopl...