Political structure.Focuses on the political structure of Malaysia. Information on the official name and form of state; Role of the head of state; Composition of the bicameral federal parliament; List of main political parties.EBSCO_bspCountry Report Malaysia...
The article offers information on the political structure of Montenegro. It mentions that country has republican and democratic form of government. It highlights the names of country's main political parties including Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Social Democratic Party (SDP), and Democratic...
1.The Political Analysis of Village s Power Structure;村庄权力结构的政治分析 2.Hebei province Beijin &Tianjin district poor and rich distance's political analysis河北省环京津地区贫富差距的政治分析 3.To analyse some items about the problems and involved factors, adopt political analysis methods, and...
Dynamic capital structure and political patronage: The case of Malaysia 2014, International Review of Financial Analysis Show abstract Board and audit committee effectiveness, ethnic diversification and earnings management: a study of the Malaysian manufacturing sector 2016, Corporate Governance (Bingley) Po...
Field evidence on the indirect and direct influence of proxy advisors. Journal of Accounting Research, 57(4), 969–1011. Article Google Scholar He, Q., & Rui, O. M. (2016). Ownership structure and insider trading: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics, 134, 553–574. ...
Because of Indonesia's highly centralized and stable political structure (until the very end of Suharto's reign), it is possible to construct a credible index of political connectedness. Moreover, the author's 'event study' approach described below allows for a relatively clean measure of the ...
Local populations have detailed knowledge of their lands. This knowledge can beorganized using the procedure known as participatory mapping. Participatory mappingimplies taking into account the social structure of the communities studied. As a result,cartographic knowledge stored in the minds of the infor...
The disparities observed in the data serve as a crucial reminder of the significance of carefully selecting appropriate models and considering the inherent structure of the data [27]. According to Ref. [3], The significance of skills and their subsequent impact on innovation, particularly in terms...
The Political Analysis of Village s Power Structure; 村庄权力结构的政治分析 2. Hebei province Beijin &Tianjin district poor and rich distance's political analysis 河北省环京津地区贫富差距的政治分析 3. To analyse some items about the problems and involved factors, adopt political analysis methods...
"We expect the government's decision to change the reporting structure of several important agencies to increase the independence and transparency of government agencies and state-owned enterprises," Tan said. For a real change in behavior, the report opined that Malaysia will have to sustain these...