Political stability index (-2.5 weak; 2.5 strong) Latest value0.67 Year 2023 Measure points Data availability 1996 - 2023 Average 0.83 Min - Max -0.23 - 1.34 Source The World Bank The latest value from 2023 is 0.67 points, an increase from 0.57 points in 2022. In comparison, the world ...
This study examines the impact of the political stability index, including inflation rate and gross capital formation growth, on Nepal's economic growth. This study uses secondary data from the World Bank, covering 27 annual data points from 1996 to 2022. Descriptive and exploratory research ...
Political instability impedes financial development and is a primary determinant of differences in financial development around the world. Conventional measures of political instability — such as Alesina and Perotti's (1996) well-known index of instability and a subsequent index derived from Banks ' (...
This index uses 27 different variables that are mainly used and mentioned in the corresponding literature of political instability. The sample is based on time series data covering the period from 1999-2015. In the empirical part of the paper the methodologies of OLS regressions and GARCH-M (1...
Ptand Pt-1are the index prices on the current and previous working days, respectively. Correspondingly, the political stability index is treated as an independent variable for which data are collected from world development indicators (World Bank Group2016). Generally, the political stability index ...
Political stability can be assessed by employing indices such as the Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism Index (PVSI), which organizations like the World Bank or the Institute for Economics and Peace provide. Additional measures may incorporate government stability scores, political ...
Bank risk factors and changing risk exposures: Capital market evidence before and during the financial crisis Journal of Financial Stability (2014) Eugene F. Fama et al. Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds Journal of Financial Economics (1993) Arie Melnik et al. The economics...
exhibit a statistically significant and relatively strong correlation with the World Bank’s rule of law index in the range between + 0.29 (i.e., formal checks and balances) and + 0.71 (i.e., collective-action capacity) and yield a very lowp-value (i.e., value = 0.000)...
on which we obtained data are located. It also shows that the country distribution of our sample is representative of its economic size as measured by its gross domestic products (World Bank,2021). Table2shows that 30% of the MNE subsidiaries operate in the computer industry (including ...
capacity autocracy, for example, Egypt would, based on established governance indexes such as the World Bank’s “Worldwide Governance Indicators”, probably have to be positioned at the top of the quadrant, while Somalia as another example for a low-capacity autocracy would be found at the ...