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Earning a degree inpolitical scienceopens doors to jobs in both the public and private sectors, allowing graduates to use their knowledge, research abilities, and analytical and communication skills to collect and make sense of data in a range of jobs, from working with political campaigns to exa...
Manage client relationships within the political sector, optimize campaign strategies, identify upselling opportunities, and provide regular performance reporting to ensure client satisfaction and campaign success. Purdue Global Adjunct Faculty, Humanities and Social Sciences: History, Political Science, Sociolog...
This article discusses the problems and opportunities facing any 'young' political scientist working – or wishing to work – in Spanish universities. Starting with a brief description of the delayed development of political science in Spain, it then explains some of the problems facing those ...
As a political science grad, your research and problem-solving skills qualify you for jobs as a legal investigator or probation officer. In addition to your bachelor's in poli-sci, you'll need to get a Doctor of Law degree to become a lawyer. The bachelor's degree alone, however, qualif...
‘the state of the economy’ and a lack of employment opportunities [20]. These attributions reflect a general view of the relationship between wealth and poverty, with liberals viewing the rich as gaining at the expense of the poor and conservatives viewing the outcomes of the rich and the ...
A master’s degree in political science could give you the tools you need to do a wide variety of jobs, so you’re not committing to a career before you even finish your degree. Graduates find themselves surrounded by plenty of opportunities whether it is in the government, non-profit orga...
Learn what to expect from a political science degree online, from courses to career outlook, including jobs and salaries in politics.
Current Issue | Vol. 19 No. 1 (2024): Italian Political Science | Full Issue Full Issue PDF Research Articles Metropolitan cities in search of identity: Challenges and opportunities for urban strategic planning in Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan ...
Studying the case of Atlanta shows African-American concentration in relatively “good” jobs: Majority-Black jobs are not always segregated jobs with low returns. Multivariate analysis shows that, net of other factors, majority-Black jobs in local government and the construction industry have earnings...