(1978). Imperial mission and manifest destiny: A case study of political myth in rhetorical discourse. Southern Speech Communication Journal 43, 213-232.Bass, Jeff D., and Richard Cherwitz. "Imperial Mission and Manifest Destiny: A Case Study of Political Myth in Rhetorical Discourse." Southern...
I offer two groups of rule-of-law reasons for that claim. First, because respect for preferences by representatives facilitates the conditions for the law to be obeyed. Second, respect for those preferences through the justification of the representatives’ collective decisions allows for ...
For reasons which an alien anthropologist would probably never fathom, as opposed to the genocide purportedly perpetrated by the Nazis against descendants of the ancient Hebrews and others, Manifest Destiny was mythically described as a beneficent and cleansing, divinely ordained task, one related to ...
6The circumstances surrounding the arrest and imprisonment of the“Franciscan prophet”are ana-lyzed by Lerner (“Historical Introduction,”28–29;“Life, Works and Fortune of the Prophet Im-mured,”30–32), who excludes two theological and doctrinal reasons for his incarceration–theformulation ...
(Agarwal, 1996). Usually we can see two forms of nationalism. One is liberal nationalism and the other is aggressive nationalism. Because of liberal nationalism, different countries of the world could achieve their independence. On the contrary, aggressive nationalism creates danger for a country. ...
For unknown reasons, destiny connected us in a rainstorm and our paths remained intertwined. Of all the mysteries of our Missouri River Expedition, one of the most puzzling to me was the sudden lack of emails. At home I organize my life around the constant effort to pick away at projects...
While one country's government may have an affinity for another country due to any number of reasons, they have to undertake active policies to create political connectivity between the two countries. For example, countries which may have low institutional distance (e.g. Muslim countries in the ...
These normative aspects of integration shouldalways be made explicit and they may sometimes for good reasonsbe challenged. For an unbiased research agenda it is important toreject a nationalist perspective, from which immigrants raise an in-tegration problem whenever they do not fit a preconceived ...
for various reasons. When Sikkim was in the process of beihg merged in the mainstream as the 22nd state of the union, there was a hue and cry raised by the opposition leaders in both the houses of Parliament while it had caused considerable eye-brow raising among neighbouring powers out...
Mr. Brougham asked Lord Lowther, whether he, as rpspresentative for . Westmorland, had given any reasons for including that county I— Lord Lowther replied, that lie ha^ thought it tight" to include Westmorland, as it lay between the disaffected districts of Scotland and Lancashire...