I envy the political refugees from behind the Iron Curtain as they shed tears of American pride on July 4. Secondly, the attempt to draw an absolute distinction between economic and political refugees is impossible, given the complex interaction between the two factors. Most of the defendants wer...
She also discusses how part of the controlled release of the virus, which in spite of the CDC hysteria and number inflation due to at least 80% false positives from the RT-PCR tests, only has a mortality rate of 0.1% of almost all seniors citizens over 60 with comorbidities and compromise...
Over human history, the food we eat has been influenced by many cultural and social factors and zooarchaeology has recently begun to consider such issues in a rigorous fashion (e.g., Driver2004; Ervynck2004; Pigière et al.2004). History and archaeology in East Asia are afflicted by a Co...
The economic literature on heritage has primarily analysed the impact of building preservation on real‐estate values and community redevelopment. Recently, economists have expanded their study on heritage to include everything from historic buildings and antiques to museums and monuments. However, this ...
1.1 Animals, food, and Japanese civilisation theory Over human history, the food we eat has been influenced by many cultural and social factors and zooarchaeology has recently begun to consider such issues in a rigorous fashion (e.g., Driver 2004; Ervynck 2004; Pigière et al. ...
A long-standing source of frustration for U.S. government officials is the seeming inability or unwillingness of their Chinese counterparts to enforce policies, decisions, regulations, and laws, much less the state constitution. Scholars of China have identified many factors that contribute to this ...
their business in the EU (G attai,20 l 0).The push factors relate to the economic and political env ironments in China (the level of overcapacity in cert ain markets and government policy to stimulate OFDI).Pull factors refer to the host country characteristics,such as the potential market...
This may partly be due to the fact that co-ethnic immigrationdoes not fit well into dominant migration theories that focus on eco-nomic push and pull factors and on the sociology of migration net-works. From these perspectives, it is not easy to understand why stateswould encourage the ...