Political Incorporation from Above or Below? Male Suffrage Extension, Western Europe, 1840-1931Redding, Kent
'Modern' means the time period beginning around 1800, after the American Constitution had come into force and the impact of the French Revolution was being felt in many parts of Europe and beyond. Although participatory politics, taking off in 1789, has not been a straightforward development, ...
Jewish. He fled to Europe in 1865 to avoid arrest by Union forces; he was suspected of involvement in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Slaveowner. Fell from a tram car about 1880, and suffered multiple injuries; also developed kidney and heart problems, and died in Paris, ...
"The role of Spain and the Spanish in the creation of Europe's transnational democratic political culture, 1840-70". Social History, 40 (4): 497-517.PEYROU, Florencia: "The role of Spain and the Spanish in the creation of Europe's transnational democratic political culture, 1840-70", en...
” In 1840, with the help of Giuseppe Lamberti in Paris, he revived Young Italy, primarily as a means of building up a nationalconsciousnessamong Italians everywhere. He wrote innumerable letters to his new agents in Europe and North and South America; he also became acquainted with Thomas ...
during which time he worked cautiously to preserve thebalance of powerin Europe and to prevent France from extending its foreign involvements. His speeches were more successful and his self-confidence soared, but the results gave him little more durable satisfaction than those he hadattainedduring th...