The Debate Now forum is to be used for all structured discussions/debates. The structure shall consist of a set of 'rules' set forth by the OP. Members may not deviate from the structure and shall respect all guidelines set forth in the opening post. ...
By CONNOR O’BRIEN and JOE GOULD 12/23/2024 10:23 PM EST Lawmakers removed some of the most controversial provisions during negotations on a final bill. Biden administration scraps rules to expand birth control access By ALICE MIRANDA OLLSTEIN 12/23/2024 09:46 PM EST The move, welcom...
These moves come amid an evolving global landscape on the issue, as the European Union implements its own climate disclosure rules and the SEC attempts to finalize its rules as the agency faces almost certain litigation. Steven Rothstein, managing director of the Ceres Accelerator for Sustainable ...
Focuses on the call of several credit investors for stricter standards in the euro and sterling corporate bond markets in Europe as of November 2003. Details on other proposals by the investors; Mixed reactions to the proposed rules; Role of the document in the European credit markets....
“Riddick’s Senate Procedure” is particularly useful when it comes to the unique facets of Senate operation, such as thefilibuster, the reconciliation process, and the roles of the Majority and Minority Leaders. Understanding these rules and the related precedents allows Senators to exert influence...
New chancellor, new rules Plus, Trump’s row with Labour Friday, 18 October, 2024 38 min listen Cabinet fightback: the revolt over spending Plus, the English justice system in crisis Monday, 14 October, 2024 41 min listen Martin Wolf on the UK economy: ‘Why I’m worried’ ...
Recent research has shown that partisanship and cognitive reflection (i.e. engaging in analytical thinking) play key roles in the acceptance of misinformation. However, the relative importance of these factors remains a topic of ongoing debate. In this registered study, we tested four hypotheses on...
Debate: A Second American Century America's economy is in its eighth year of sustained growth, transcending the German and Japanese "miracles." This is no fluke. America's unique brand of entrepreneurial capitalism is based on a series of advantages that explain the stun... MB Zuckerman - 《...
The governor also issued an executive order relaxing rules on staffing ratios and “scope-of-practice” limits, among other requirements. Murphy: New Jersey gun stores will be allowed to reopen By MATT FRIEDMAN 03/30/2020 03:21 PM EDT Updated 03/30/2020 04:33 PM EDT Gun sales will be...