Political thinking in the Philippines during the twentienth century is a series of conversations that reflect on the country's different political challenges - from its dysfunctional democracy to its weak and corrupt bureaucracy - and intended to liberate and transform society. 2018...
Among these examples were the Philippines in 1972 under Ferdinand Marcos and Argentina at various times in the 19th and 20th century. According to the authors, what was lacking in these countries was not so much the constitutional and legal framework of democracy, but rather certain informal ...
Thus, not only were reformers in Great Britain aware of political incentives to promote unfit personal, they saw political independence as a way to improve performance in this context. Two recent empirical studies lend support for this mechanism. Iyer and Mani (2012) study transfers in the top ...
In the last years, China and the United States of America (US) have engaged in unprecedented competition in emerging technologies (ETs), in a context of China’s growing presence and shifting position in the international system. Drawing on data between 2017 and 2023 and strategic decisions, su...
The conjunction of both aspects for the construction of the story survives and shows its influence in the works of the romantic travel literature of the 19th century. The endeavour concluded by Juan Sebastián Elcano is a relevant moment in the context of Spanish expeditions in the fifteenth and...
Indeed, projects of national renewal almost by definition require business to be oriented in the same direction as the rest of the nation, as firms will be instrumental in generating the prosperity which will benefit the ordinary person in the street. It is here where country context once again...
led the way.According to the trends of mankind until then, it would take 2 000 years to double the average income. In the mid-19th century, the British did it in 30 years. When Marx died in 1883, the average Englishman was three times richer than he was when Marx was born in 1818...
As for Christians, it’s claim is based mainly on “50 million Orthodox Christians killed in Asia Minor”. However none of the Ottoman censuses at end of 19th century show such a heavy population. The 50 million figure is actually of Holdomr in Ukraine by USSR acc to “In Memory Of The...
A Stronghold in Asia: Scenarios of Threat in the Political Reality of the Spanish Colonial Philippines (Seventeenth Century)Crailsheim, Eberhard
Benigno Aquino, Jr. was the chief opposition leader during the era of martial law in the Philippines (1972–81) under Pres. Ferdinand E. Marcos. Aquino’s assassination in 1983 galvanized popular opposition to the Marcos government and brought his widow,