She cuts through the noise and spin to present “just the facts,” providing viewers with the context and insights they need to understand the most pressing issues facing the nation. Whether discussing constitutional crises, high-profile legal cases, or the inner workings of government, Wine-...
Before joining MSNBC in 2015, Soboroff hosted Vanity Fair’s coverage of their 2015 Oscar Party, which he executive produced with Embassy Row Productions. In 2014 Jacob hosted YouTube Nation, YouTube’s daily show produced by DreamWorks Animation, and co-hosted TakePart Live, Participant Media...
for MSNBC. He has appeared onMeet the Press,Face the Nation,HBO’sReal Time with Bill Maher, Comedy Central’sThe Colbert ReportandThe Daily Show.In addition to his work in television, Mr. Steele can be heard weekdays on his radio program, Steele & Ungaron the POTUS Channel on SiriusXM...
Pushing the nation's intelligence community in a decidedly Trumpian direction isn't necessarily easy. It begins with a lengthy intimidation campaign in which the president publicly attacks and belittles intelligence professionals, while making clear that the White House will not look kindly ...