Ways to innovate are various but co-innovation is the most relevant one when it comes to think, design and produce tomorrow’s buildings and cities. Thanks to close and tights links with Politecnico di Milano as well as other real estate partners, Covivio is proud to act as a key European...
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Inf., Politecnico di Milano, Italy An ARQ selective repeat protocol with time-out mechanism is studied. Transmissions on both the forward and the reverse channels are assumed to experience M... M Zorzi,RR Rao - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 被引量: 26...
In this paper, the Politecnico di Milano solutions proposed for the Leonardo Drone Contest (LDC) are presented. The Leonardo Drone Contest is an annual aut
il Dott.Gianluca Carella, PhD candidate del Dipartimento di Design delPolitecnico di Milano,Anastasia Buda, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager diSamsung Electronics Italia,Anna Maria MazziniMarketing Director eMonica Barina,Communication and Social Media Manager diCHILI...
PRELIMINARY DESIGN OPTIMIZATION OF A MICROSATELLITE FORMATION FLYING FOR RADAR INTERFEROMETRIC APPLICATIONS Politecnico di Milano - dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Via La Masa 34- 20156 Milano - Italy, Email: gaias@aero.polimi.itMichéle R. Lavagna... Gabriella V. M. Gaias,Michéle R. Lav...
米兰理工Politecnico di Milano,简称POLIMI 前言: POLIMI是位于意大利米兰的一所国立理工大学,创立于1863年,是米兰地区历史最悠久的大学,也是意大利规模最大的科技类大学,是意大利三所国立理工大学之一,意大利工科方面排名第一。米兰理工大学在建筑、工程和设计方面是欧洲乃至世界最优秀的大学,并在许多领域全球领先。众多米...
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Inf., Politecnico di Milano, Italy An ARQ selective repeat protocol with time-out mechanism is studied. Transmissions on both the forward and the reverse channels are assumed to experience M... M Zorzi,RR Rao - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 被引量: 26...