Joseph Majcher o polskości w Orchard Lake Schools Graduation of Two Students from Poland at St. Mary’s High School, Orchard Lake, MI Conversation with Dr. Paweł Pietrzyk, Chief Director of State Archives in Warsaw, Poland 5K Run/Walk Vivat 3 Maja!
Joseph Heritage Shines at St. Stanislaus Kostka in Adams, Massachusetts Concerts, Parties, and Parades Close Old Year, Usher in New Gniezno’s History, Brick by Brick St. Maximilian Kolbe Featured in Scorsese’s “The Saints” Eisenberg Applies for Polish Citizenship Polish your Super Bowl Party...
Jianli Jia1, Lei Hu1, Jiaxing Zheng1, Yujia Zhai2, Peng Yao3, Shenwei Zhao1, Shaohe Shi1, Xiaobo Zhai1, Dayi Zhang4 Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2017;26(1):147-153 DOI: Abstract Article (PDF) ORIGINAL...
The Polish American Cultural Center, JPII hosted Polish History Day at an historic location in Cleveland on Sunday September 29, 2024. The event was held at The Foundry which is located on the historic site of St. Mary's on the Flats Church, the first Catholic Church in the City of Clev...
5 Day 1.23% 1 Month -1.29% 3 Month -1.72% YTD -1.43% 1 Year -5.51% Currency Converter Amount: From:Argentinian PesoAustralian DollarBahrainian DinarBrazilian RealBritish PoundBulgarian LevCanadian DollarChilean PesoChinese YuanColombian PesoCroatian KunaCzech KorunaDanish KroneEgyptian PoundEuroHong Ko...
“The eight-hour workday was introduced in Czechoslovakia in 1918 and in Poland in 1919.”—a comparative analysis of economic conditions.“The levels of development stood considerably closer to Western European averages in the interwar period—Czechoslovakia’s and Poland’s in 1929 and Hungary’...
I can hear this old song a few times a day - it has become sort of trendy again. Skalds, Dashing Sleigh Ride, from 1969 SarahJean 8 Jan 2023#15 I have a fondness for W Żlobie leży (Infant Holy, Infant Lowly) which I knew in its English version before...
While Janusz Maciejewski in his studies (e.g. Maciejewski, Janusz. 1977. Pojęcie…, p. 21–41) uses them to determine the so-called Bar Confederation nobili- tygroup, contesting the baronial established order, so much so that in the day of the Great Parliament, and therefore approx. ...
The Soviet Story also discusses the impact of the Soviet legacy on modern day Europe. Listen to experts and European MPs discussing the implications of a selective attitude towards mass murder; and meet a woman describing the burial of her new born son in a GULAG concentration camp. The Soviet...
TheheydayofJewishPolishliteraturecamein theinterwardecades(1918–1939),whenit becameadistinctartistic andculturalphenomen-on (Prokop-Janiec2003,Molisak/Dąbrowski2006).Itsrise wasinfluenced by theacculturationof JewishcommunitiesandtheirlinguisticPolonization.Thehighcirculationof materialpublishedby Jewish...