Understanding biases, not bias Bias is primarily understood as a difference between what is seen as “truth” or “fact” and the respective results of an algorithmic function (a prediction or a representation). Such definitions of bias have in common that they do not relate to the harmful an...
I have copied all Policy Definitions from C:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions and pasted all policy definitions into C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\tim.local\PolicyDefinitions on the primary Domain Controller, will I need to do the same manual procedure on the secondary Domain Controller or will this replicate ...
A short measure of general policy alienation: Scale development using a 10-step procedure. Public Administration, 95, 512–526. https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12318 Article Google Scholar Van Engen, N., Tummers, L., Bekkers, V., & Steijn, B. (2016). Bringing history in: Policy ...
In a retrospective, case-control study, Pitsouni and associates (2017) compared 30 versus 40 W power of carbon dioxide (CO2) laser for the therapy of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). Post-menopausal women with severe intensity of dyspareunia and dryness were eligible to be included in...
By uncovering the relative importance of these two types of heterogeneity – type of output versus type of firm – we provide novel empirical evidence on the relative role of both channels. For this scope, we use micro firm-level data from the four largest economies in the euro area (...
This procedure also helped us diagnosing the overt versus covert nature of a translation. The third phase of our research consists of a translation task and follow-up interviews, conducted in China with a panel of 10 expert translators. The aim of this follow-up approach is to triangulate our...
This procedure can be used to configure a ZFW. The sequence of steps is not important, but some events must be completed in order. For instance, you must configure a class-map before you assign a class-map to a policy-map. Similarly, you cannot assign a policy-map to a zone-pair unt...
Windows Update GPO - Important versus Recommended/Optional - Getting Microsoft Optional Windows Update install without admin priveelage Windows Update notifications appearing on non admin desktops Windows Update Reboot Message via a GPO Windows Updates - Maintenance Boundary vs setting the day and time in...
To proceed with this procedure, we use the module CLUSTSE in Stata. 16 This index measures the quality of public and civil services, and the credibility of a government’s commitment to policies. We position all of these variables on a scale from −2.5 (weak governance) to 2.5 (strong ...
Political struggle is about the negotiation of status quo versus change. Be it a discussion about pension reforms, the fight against racism or a vote of no confidence about a government: It all boils down to the same question. Is the status quo acceptable, or do we need change?