一版《政策吊诡与政治理性》(Policy paradox and Political Reason)(目前仍无法 得知作者为何要更改书名)已歷经十余年 …web.mybnb.tw|基于5个网页 2. 政策吊诡与政治理由 ...策者的认知会影响结果。Stone (1988)在「政策吊诡与政治理由」(Policy paradox and political reason) 一书中指出, …wenku.baidu....
PolicyParadox:TheArtofPoliticalDecisionMaking DeborabStone 政治上的悖论:政治决策的艺术 悖论就仅仅只是问题。他们违背了逻辑上最基本的原则即任何事物都不可能同时是两个不同的东西。两种对立的说法是不可能同时成立。悖论恰恰就是这样一种不可能的情况并且政治中处处都有悖论。让我们来看看一下几例: ...
View further author informationlearning@unist.ac.krJi-Bum ChungView further author informationkhyomin17@unist.ac.krHyomin KimView further author informationMin-Kyu KimView further author informationCheongil Kim
President Biden asserted that political rhetoric had become “over-heated” and urged all Americans to “cool it down.” On the same day, Republican House Speaker Mike Johnsoncomplainedthat Biden’s attacks on Trump had contributed to a “heated political environment,” adding: “We’ve got to ...
PolicyParadox:TheArtofPoliticalDecisionMaking ByDeborahStone Chapter1:TheMarketandthePolis MarketistheindividualPolisisthecommunity MarketPolis 1.UnitofAnalysis:individualTheEdisonSchoolsPublicDistricts 2.Motivation:Self-interestOwnerswantownmoney;Stockholders andparents Communityeducationoftheentiredistrict. Cityintere...
and their (strategic or political) influence on policies. For example, Baumgartner and Mahoney (2008) study framing and argumentation as ways by which public policy advocates “hope to see debates defined in a manner favorable to their position, and with their allies they work to achieve this”...
摘要: Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making By Deborah Stone future needs "fish supply "5. Unit of analysis – buying "designer sneakers with assistance money" Status to food – Atkinsdiet can't afford it, left People will argue that security and efficiency is incompatible....
Policy Exchange (PX) is a right-of-centre think tank founded in 2002 by Conservative modernisers who believed their party needed to move beyond a strict adherence to Thatcherite ideas. Parallel to the rise of David Cameron, PX became ever more politicall
内容提示: Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making By Deborah Stone Chapter 1: The Market and the Polis Market is the individual Polis is the community Market Polis Public Districts 1. Unit of Analysis: individual 2. Motivation: Self-interest The Edison Schools Owners want own ...
The paradox is that the public admires the AI who defeated Chess and Go world champions. They are content with AI roles in care of the elderly, with autistic children, and in surgical interventions, none of which are purely computational feats, but the fear of artificially intelligent robots ...