the ability of non-purpose built LTCFs to successfully isolate residents from one another, is unclear. Alternatively, efforts to digitise LTCFs and introduce new technologies, such as remote conferencing, while a welcome development, were dependant on the availability...
Exposures School disruption was a binary variable indicating whether children received remote schooling or attended fewer days weekly. Financial disruption was a binary variable answered by parents in each survey: “since January 2020, has anyone in your household lost wage, sales, or work due to ...
(e.g. mandatingfacecoverings). In some northern and remote regions with high-risk populations, strict travel bans were implemented. Also, flexibility in economic relief measures allowed PT governments to prioritize sectors and individuals in their region most in need of support. In the UK, public...
2024. "Long-Term Dynamics of Atmospheric Sulfur Dioxide in Urban and Rural Regions of China: Urbanization and Policy Impacts" Remote Sensing 16, no. 2: 391. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page ...
Local and national lockdowns, physical spacing, business and school shut-downs, social mixing restrictions, face covering mandates, self-isolation measures, remote working prioritisation and stay-at-home guidelines have disrupted personal mobility and crafted a new travel behaviour ethos that has led ...