Rees R, Thomas J: Children’s views about obesity, body size, shape and weight: a systematic review [IOE Research Briefing No 49]. 2013. Ritchie J, Lewis J, McNaughton-Nicholls C, Ormston R. Qualitative research practice: a guide for social science students and researchers. 2nd ed. Thous...
Available from: Accessed 05 Sept. Scobie G, Woodman K. Evidence briefing on interventions to reduce illicit drug use during pregnancy...
to date, there has not been a scoping review to map clinical guidance documents currently in use across the UK. Previous reviews, both in the UK and the United States, have focused upon a detailed policy discourse analysis and not provided a general overview...
Results: The example uses a simple, seven-section template for developing a policy brief. The essential characteristics of each section are provided. The briefing, targeted at the global level, provides information on the major challenges associated with the treatment of individuals with diabetes. ...
Growing interest in public involvement in health research has led to organisational and policy change. Additionally, an emerging body of policy-oriented scholarship has begun to identify the organisational and network arrangements that shape public invol
Once MCCIP report cards are published a period of briefing and communication events are established (active engagement) and dialogue and discussion is offered to any individual or organisation that asks for this (responsive engagement). Examples of active engagement by MCCIP have included launch ...
Briefing paper (2018) (p. 34). Retrieved from European Court of Auditors website: Google Scholar ECA, 2018b ECA Opinion No 7/2018 (pursuant to Article 322(1)(a) TFEU) concerning Commission proposals for regulations relating to ...
Conklin A, Hallsworth M, Hatziandreu E, Grant J (2008) Briefing on linkage and exchange: facilitating diffusion of innovation in health services. Rand Occasional Paper, Rand, UK Davies JS (2009) The limits of joined-up government: towards a political analysis. Public Adm 87(1):80–96. htt...
In a nutshell, the main risk is lack of control. All staff can become spokespeople for the business. All staff are communicating (publicly in many cases) information for and about the business. If businesses are not clear in briefing their staff and representatives on what is and isn't appr...
(see supplementary materialS1for the extract of the survey template). In order to categorise the answers related to the third research question, the classification of policy instruments provided by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) was used in ...