We compared incidence rates within and between BCP areas using a difference in differences analysis26, with the areas defined by Badger Disease Control Licences being the units in the analysis. The aim was to estimate the average treatment effect of the BCP on TB incidence rate in cattle herds...
Here we offer our reactions to claims that the new regulation promotes a sex-verification test, claims that intersex athletes will automatically be disqualified from competition, and proposals to either divide athletes based on variables beyond sex or completely eliminate sex groupings. Although elite ...
ECONOMICS, POLICY AND REGULATION Strength in numbers. Investment in infrastructure and the built environment rightly attracts a high level of scrutiny. Whether you are in the private or public sector, comprehensive cost-benefit analysis is essential when appraising or prioritising project proposals, biddi...
Central to the comparison is (5), which shows that an expected depreciation of the currency brings about changes in product differentiation and price competition which are similar to those of a tariff on imports, or of a subsidy on domestic production. A major difference is, however, that ...
From a database with over 700,000 Chinese patents from 1985 to 2013, we find that the patent value increases after the release of the S&T Outline, and the scale of patent value after 2006 is about 26.52 times more than that before 2006. Further, we use a quasi-difference in differences...
c Politics matter for other macro policy areas, such as monetary policy and financial regulation. The recent financial crisis, for example, has reopened issues regarding the desirable conduct of monetary policy and the connection between monetary and fiscal policy. The ECB is at the center stage ...
This article proposes to assess the likely outcomes of de-regulation as we rapidly approach 2010, the year for attainment of the Lisbon goals. However, the difference in legal infrastructure does not result from the California legislature's efforts to provide the proper conditions for the ...
Furthermore, early versions of research I have seen that combines capital regulation policy and interest rate policy suggest that the macroeconomic consequences of getting the former wrong may be much greater than the consequences of getting the latter wrong. To me, that conclusion has the ring of...
Regulation can be useful where the market is not working well. Buildings are rarely designed to save energy, because those who put them up do not usually pay the bills and those who occupy them choose them for their views or their looks, not their energy-efficiency. The same goes for appl...
Governments affect the economy and business through legislation, regulation, and monetary policy. Browse Investopedia’s expert written library to learn more.