Drug checking services (DCS) enable individuals to submit substances of concern for analysis, providing information about the composition of the tested substance along with harm reduction support and advice [1,2]. The number of DCS has grown significantly in recent years and drug checking has sprea...
The banking agencies’ Basel proposed rule violates the Administrative Procedure Act by relying on data and analyses that the agencies have not made available to the public, the Bank Policy Institute, the American Bankers Association, the Financial Services Forum, the Institute of International Bankers...
6 BBD use this procedure to select the "Policy" terms for their newspaper-based Economic Policy Uncertainty Index. Their approach to selecting terms in "Economy" and "Uncertainty" is similar in spirit but much less formal. 7 Here, we use four newspapers for which we could download many ...
The Bank Policy Institute and Kentucky Bankers Association recently filed a lawsuit against the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau challenging aspects of the agency’s rulemaking under Section 1033 of the Dodd-Frank Act, which governs how consumers access their financial data and how that data is pr...