In the absence of Federal leadership on climate change, a second best alternative is coordination between Federal, State and local efforts to encourage energy-wise behavior. This essay explores alternatives for coordination and potential challenges.Roberta F. Mann...
This MOOC is for those who wish to understand the economics of climate change and use this understanding to form their own informed opinion about the policies on which we can rely to tackle it. It is not necessary to have specialized prior knowledge, apart from basic familiarity with economic...
China released a white paper on Oct 27 to document the country's progress in mitigating climate change, and to share its experience and approaches with the rest of the international community. The white paper, titled "Responding to Climate Change: China's Policies and Actions," was released by...
“For signatories of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, disclosing data to CDP is a fundamental requirement, as transparency is essential to the analysis and understanding of climate action and progress,” said Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu, Sector Engagement Lead with UN Climate Change. “W...
Meanwhile, China is now a pioneer in simultaneously mitigating air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. It said China has established a large-scale air quality monitoring program and a comprehensive policy framework for climate change mitigation. ...
Meanwhile, China is now a pioneer in simultaneously mitigating air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. It said China has established a large-scale air quality monitoring program and a comprehensive policy framework for climate change mitigation. ...
Xinhuanet. China's policies and actions for addressing climate change. Nov 22, 2011. china/2011-11/22/c_131262368_3.htm (accessed Sept 23, 2016).State Council (2008): China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change. Beijing: State Council....
Climate Change (CC) adaptation and mitigation policy coherence (PC) across sectors is essential to effectively address CC challenges and support synergies.
(如:澜沧江流域某村气候风险与其他因素共同作用于妇女生计的案例)Climaterisksofanecotoneandtheidiosyncraticshocksforthefarmersintheareahaveimpactsonthelivelihoodofpoorpopulation,atthesametime,worseningthelivelihoodvulnerability.气候变化风险所导致的脆弱性正在成为引发贫困的重要因素 Vulnerabilitycausedbyclimatechangerisks:...
The Implications of Climate Change Mitigation Policy and Oil Price Volatility for Tourism Arrivals to the Caribbean Globally, tourism is a non-negligible contributor of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, primarily through tourist transport, and in particular rapidly increas... L Pentelow,D Scott - 《...