two students at the Korean National Police University who witnesses a young woman's kidnapping. Although the film initially seems like a buddy cop comedy, it takes a darker turn when a kidnapping becomes the central plot. Seo-joon and Ha-neul have excellent...
In the HBO show, he would portray heroin addict and gang member Arnold "Poet" Jackson in all six seasons of the critically acclaimed prison drama, being absent in just a handful of episodes. It's the role he'll be best remembered for, though he went on to notch up some impressive cred...
Stephen Collins - TTPD Texarkana Texas Police are reporting that in addition to the four misdemeanor warrants Collins had, he was also charged with Theft of a Firearm, Evading Arrest, Unlawful Possession of a Firearm by a Felon, and Possession of Marijuana. His total bond was set at $41,63...