Trauma Distance, which was found the most associated with this factor, was modeled as the reference variable with a coefficient of –1, and was followed closely by the Number of Traumatic Events, which resulted in a coefficient of 0.78. Based on the prediction model, the number of traumatic ...
Traumatic police events were measured using the Police Incident Survey (PIS); PTSD was measured using the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C). Associations between PIS and PTSD symptoms were evaluated using ANCOVA. Contrast statements were used to test for linear trends. Increased frequency of ...
behavioural symptoms such as arousal, intrusion, avoidance, sleep problems, excessive drinking, and withdrawal, for example, ‘Negative Attitudes to Emotional Expression Scale’ (Brown and Grover1998), ‘Toulouse Stress Scale’ (TSS) (Bonnet-Suard et al.2005), ‘Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale’ (...
The PTSD symptom levels were assessed at each time point (6(12) 18(24)and 36 months into active duty)all with respect to the worst baseline PTE using the PTSD Checklist (PCL;Weathers(Litz)Herman(Huska)&Keane, 1993).Peritraumatic dissociation was assessed at each time point and also keyed...
The research design employed written instruments including the Impact of Events Scale to measure the impact of a traumatic event and the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist to assess and determine the present symptoms of PTSD. Participants were also asked to complete a brief demographic survey ...
The booklet contained a checklist of PTSD symptoms (MPSS-SR), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and a brief measure of support (Crisis Support Inventory - CSI).F.Queen’sC.Queen’sWilsonQueen’sA.Queen’sD.Queen’sPoolaQueen’sK.Queen’s...
Officers completed an inventory of traumatic events that they experienced, newly developed Existential Crisis Scale, newly developed Existential Engagement Scale, and the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5). Hypothesis one was supported: Police officers who experience a greater number of police-related ...
The current study was designed to assess for associations between self-report mental health disorder symptom change scores and the frequency of monthly mental health self-monitoring surveys, amongst Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) cadets during training (i.e., starting the Cadet Training Program...
1999 6 Symptom Checklist SCL-90 SCL-90R Derogatis 1975; Derogatis and Lazarus 1994, cited in Van Patten and Burke 2001 90/56 7 Eight State Questionnaire 8SQ Curran and Cattell 1976, cited in Nathawat and Dadarwal 2014 96 8 Short Adjective Checklist Stress Arousal Checklist S Stress Arousal ...