I would also like to go on some ride alongs with our local police department, but until I can somehow get through to my parents, that's not going to happen anytime soon. So any advice on how to resolve this issue? It's driving me crazy because I feel that if I be a police ...
Reports that the United States Supreme Court aims to determine the legality of allowing the news media to be present during law enforcement searches or the practice of media `ride-alongs'. Consolidation of the `Hanlon v. Berger' and the `Wilson v. Layne' ride-along cases for purposes of ...
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Riding side by side as a police officeranswers a call for help or...By EatonKristi
John L. Worrall1. Department of Criminal Justice, California State University, San Bernardino, 92407-2397, San Bernardino, CA ;Springer-VerlagAmerican Journal of Criminal JusticeWorrall, J. L. (2000). Constitutional issues in reality-based police television programs: Media ride-alongs. American ...
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. - Riding side by side as a police officeranswers a call for help or...Eaton, Kristi
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. Riding side by side as a police officer answers a call for help or investigates a brutal crime during a ride- along gives citizens an up-close look at the gritty and sometimes dangerous situations officers can experience on the job.Eaton, Kristi...
Police Use Twitter to Offer Virtual Ride-AlongsSIOUX FALLS, S.D. Riding side by side as a police officeranswers a call for help or...Eaton, Kristi