Successful completion of a proficiency examination in the Police Combat Pistol Course. Successful completion of a proficiency examination with the standard police shotgun. Pass a physical fitness assessment program by completion of the classroom training. Successful completion of Arrest Control Techniques Tr...
Erik Varga (born 9 June 1976) is a Slovak sport shooter who specializes in the trap.At the 2008 Olympic Games he finished in joint eighth place in the trap qualification, missing a place among the top six, who progressed to the final round. At the 2012 Olympic Games he finished in twel...
The weapon served me well on the job and on the Pistol Team. My Magnum still looks pristine with thousands of rounds of wadcutters through it. It is 63 years old and I am 85. Pingback: Tips and Tricks for Dealing with Difficult Match Conditions - The Shooter's Log Pingback: Throwback...
Thisdirectivewillgenerallyrefertohandgunsasbeingeitherarevolverorapistol(semiautomatic/self-loading). (4.05) PROCEDURES: 1.PROFICIENCYQUALIFICATION PriortobeinggrantedapprovalbytheChiefofPolicetocarryafirearm,eachmember,recruit,reserveofficer,and auxiliaryofficermustdemonstratehis/herproficiencywithafirearmbyqualifying...
and shared their report on the factors behind that decision with Bristow, which he shares in the book. The most interesting aspect of it, to me, was the data included on relative officer performance on their Marksmanship Qualification course with a .38 revolver (full size), a .38 snub revo...
Weapons Qualification, Army Display Recognition and HardwareGo Women's Army Corps Display Recognition and HardwareGo World War One (Wound Acknowledgement) Accolade of the New Chivalry of Humanity Display Recognition and HardwareGo World War One Victory Medal ...
Frankly, the Colt 1908 is a fantastic pistol. I had a great time shooting this one today – it was flawlessly reliable, accurate, and fast. What more can you ask? You can see my full video on the SMP version of the Colt (not this exact gun) here: ...