In 1997, four kindred spirits locked themselves together to protest the logging of ancient redwood trees. Northern California cops responded by searing their eyes with pepper spray. The protesters did not give up. Not on trees and not on constitutional r
Although there was research conducted on the issue, it was methodologically limited (see Smith & Petrocelli, 2002). Today, the few epidemiological studies conducted on CEDs 4This document is a res...Lumb, R. and Friday, P. (1997) `Impact of pepper spray availability on police officer use...
If one thing separates police recruits from full-fledged officers, it's pepper spray. On-duty officers keep a can handy in case of unruly criminals, but recruits in police academies have to stand still and a take a burning spritz in the face. Pepper spray training is just one of the phy...
"I can't stress it enough, this is a public safety issue," he said. "We cannot have protesters blocking county roads, blocking state highways or trespassing on private property." Fong said that once the camp is cleared, authorities will turn over the land to developer Energy Transfer Partn...
Both officers were trained in the use of pepper spray as department policy dictates, and both had been sprayed with it themselves during training, the chief noted. David Buscho, a UC Davis senior from San Rafael, said he and his girlfriend were pepper-sprayed Friday. ... Police use LRAD, tear gas and pepper spray to dispers protesters | June 1st After declaring a protest an unlawful assembly, police push protesters down the street...
Police pepper spray young child | May 31st Police pepper sprays a young child who is seen crying, while protesters pour milk on the distressed girl. Related to Seattle OPA Case 2020OPA-0322. tags: pepper-spray, child, inhumane-treatment, protester id: wa-seattle-4 Links
The Seattle City Council’s public safety committee advanced legislation to formally approve an amended version of the Seattle Police Department’s “interim policy” on the use of so-called less-lethal weapons, such as pepper spray and blast balls for crowd control, after rejecting a half-dozen...
Alongside these two prominent examples one could include additional policing tools related to coercion such as handcuffs, pepper spray, tasers (which were notably not used in Brandenburg at the time of the field research, but are currently being implemented in several other German states) and even...
The Seattle City Council approved legislation yesterday that retroactively authorizes the Seattle Police Department to adopt its own policies governing how officers can use “less lethal” weapons such as pepper spray, foam-tipped bullets, and blast balls—rubber grenades that can cause serious, even ...