Title Police in a Pod English Title Police in a Pod Aliases Romaji Title Hakozume: Kouban Joshi no Gyakushuu Furigana Title ハコヅメ こうばんじょしのぎゃくしゅう Japanese Title ハコヅメ~交番女子の逆襲~ Japanese Studio Name マッドハウス English Studio Name Madhouse Companies Involved ...
Waifu and Imouto systems have now merged into something new, the Family Tree! Explore 19 relationship options, and maintain happiness with your family by chatting with them. Family Tree Most liked six word reviews Tribute Wealthiest Characters Tribute Links 角色添加...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook JP (redirected fromJudicial Police) Categoryfilter: AcronymDefinition JPJapan JPJapanese(language) JPJean-Pierre JPJusticeofthePeace(alsoseenasJOTP) JPJamaicaPlain(MA,USA) ...
OPDOsaka Performance Doll(Japanese band) OPDOrganization Process Definition OPDOmniPage Document OPDOffice of Program Development OPDOto-Palatal-Digital Syndrome(general bone/skeletal disorder) OPDOperationalize Product Development(various companies) OPDOpelousas Police Department(Louisiana) ...
a slap hit Boss employees, employees of different national staff responses Japanese . Hi : : head a little! employees : U . . S immediately summoned their own lawyer UK . : a smile to the police staff Russian . Japanese employees: give the owner of a backhand slap: Internet Staff roar...
and tried to warn the ground team to stop, saying, “I got to say something, because they aren’t stopping… so at that point, I was like, you know, ‘stop the bulldozer!’” However, communication problems prevented his warning from reaching the trooper or bulldozer operator in time. ...
The following is an excerpt from Yoko Ogawa's novelThe Memory Policein which a young woman concocts a plan to hide her editor beneath her floorboards to save him from the memory police. A surreal and provocative author, Yoko Ogawa has won every kind of Japanese literary award and is author...
1941: 'WAR! OAHU BOMBED BY JAPANESE PLANES' U.S. Air Force 1941: 'WAR! OAHU BOMBED BY JAPANESE PLANES' Dec. 7, 1941, is, in the words of President Roosevelt, a date which will live in infamy. That day, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the United States Naval Base at ...
The shiba inu (Japanese for "brushwood dog") is a very independent breed. Because of this, the dogs are next to impossible to train; however, what they lack in obedience, they make up for in loyalty. After the 2004 Chūetsu earthquake, a shiba inu helped rescue workers locate her elderly...
Other: Tattoo on right shoulder of a red circle with Japanese writing in it. Last Seen: 07/31/2001 Location: Galway, N.Y. Peter Lorang was last seen in Galway, NY in July 2001. Lorang's disappearance is considered suspicious. Suzanne G Lyall ...