A potential Cadet class slated for January of 2021 was also eliminated. I takes about a year to get a police Officer onto the streets with hiring, backgrounds and field training so reinforcements aren't coming anytime soon. We are doing everything we can with what we have. I hate to ...
Steve-O-in NJhas stepped into a temporary (I hope) vacuum of ambitious comments to monopolize the COTD field. Steve is a lot more pessimistic than I am, and prone to Jeremiads (THE END IS NEAR!) but he also is willing to make observations that most are reticent to put into print. A...
Police Cadet Experience (or special police experience). Cadets are like trainee police officers or interns. This looks great on a resume for police officers. Non-Police Officer Work that Shows Police Qualities.List jobs or volunteer positions where you worked with the public or used law enforcemen...