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宝丽来PolaroidSpectraSystemmb一次成像老相机 价格:¥1,000 品相:9品数量:0件 运费:EMS 22元, 快递 10元, 销售总量:件销售总额:¥574元 浏览量:0 品种:拍立得相机 统一编号:se20864516店内编号:11111 属性:77-79年, ,,,宝丽莱 ,,其他尺寸, ,,, ,...
商品名称:宝丽来拍立得PolaroidSpectraSystem经典宽幅一次成像 品种:拍立得相机 属性:年代不详, ,,,宝丽莱 ,,其他尺寸, ,,, , 点击查看更多 【午后时光】商品推荐更多>>> 富士拍立得mini20,成色如图,功能完好,裸机出售。橙色款,小巧便携,适合各种 富士,富士拍立得mini8奶黄色,品相好如图,试机正常使用,裸机出售(1...
http://cgi.ebay.com/POLAROID-SPECTRA-SYSTEM-SE-CAMERA-KIT-with-EXTRAS_W0QQitemZ150367565582QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFilm_Cameras?hash=item23029af70e&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14 赞 回复 WiTS 楼主 2009-10-30 10:59:46 polapremium正在卖Spectra ProCam,卖的真TMD贵 赞 回复 WiTS 楼主 2009-...
polaroidspectrasystemMB_单反相机: 成色如图、镜片无霉雾。开始片盒还有点残电、后面指示灯会亮、现在已经没电。其它功能不知。包邮【杂货店老高】【7788收藏】
Eventually, I owned and enjoyed Polaroids that were descendants of the SX-70, such as 1986’sSpectra. I can’t recall precisely when I stopped using them, but I do know that it was well before I got my first digital camera. That was well over a decade ago. ...
Pat. No. 3,415,644, to permit the completion of image-formation, outside of the camera in which photoexposure is effected, under ambient light conditions. The light-absorbing material or reagent ("optical filter agent") is positioned and/or constituted so as to: (1) not interfere with ...
I’m really glad I took along an instant camera to Kat and Thomas’s wedding festivities. The photos went down a storm*! I really CANNOT wait to share the non-instant photos and more details with everyone! All photos taken on Impossible Project 600 films with a Polaroid Sun 660 camera ...
http://cgi.ebay.com/POLAROID-SPECTRA-SYSTEM-SE-CAMERA-KIT-with-EXTRAS_W0QQitemZ150367565582QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFilm_Cameras?hash=item23029af70e&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14 赞 回应 WiTS 楼主 2009-10-30 10:59:46 polapremium正在卖Spectra ProCam,卖的真TMD贵 赞 回应 WiTS 楼主 2009-...
Fabriano water colour papers (as a smoother surface will capture the image better, hot pressed watercolour paper was preferred); Polaroid EE 100 land camera; a rolling pin; a hard smooth working surface; scissors; timer; surgical gloves. The dry transfer method consisted of the steps explained ...