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宝丽来PolaroidSpectraSystemmb一次成像老相机 价格:¥1,000 品相:9品数量:0件 运费:EMS 22元, 快递 10元, 销售总量:件销售总额:¥574元 浏览量:0 品种:拍立得相机 统一编号:se20864516店内编号:11111 属性:77-79年, ,,,宝丽莱 ,,其他尺寸, ,,, ,...
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商品名称:宝丽来拍立得PolaroidSpectraSystem经典宽幅一次成像 品种:拍立得相机 属性:年代不详, ,,,宝丽莱 ,,其他尺寸, ,,, , 点击查看更多 【午后时光】商品推荐更多>>> 富士拍立得mini10一次成像拍立得相机,品相好如图,试机正常,裸机出售(编号8 富士拍立得一次成像相机mini8?相当于国内的9薄荷绿成色如图,图片上...
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An attachment is mounted on an adjustable focus lens camera which attachment incorporates a second lens system to operate in combination with the camera lens system to allow close-up photography. The
the batteries were sometimes too weak to power the camera They also produced fumes that gave photos an unwanted blue tint, a glitch that Edwin Land discovered for himself with some of his vacation snapshots. Polaroid eventually solved both defects–by building and operating its own battery factory...
The following equipment has been used: Polaroid Polacolor Type 88; receptor paper: Fabriano water colour papers (as a smoother surface will capture the image better, hot pressed watercolour paper was preferred); Polaroid EE 100 land camera; a rolling pin; a hard smooth working surface; scissors...