Impossible Polaroid 宝丽莱 600胶片拍立得OneStepCloseUp特别版预估进口税费¥201.64 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付1017.34元 电脑数码实时好价排行 促销活动:拼多多 百亿补贴 超级加倍补 海量真5折 ¥0 拼多多 ¥0 值得买爆料价 28日20点:Lenovo 联想 小新 Pro 14 2024 AI 14英寸轻薄...
宝丽来PolaroidOneStepCloseUp拍立得相机,不会用不知道好不好使,此商品只当展示收藏品拍。流通品,有污渍和自然磨损,具体品相如图自定。。。 备注: (特别声明:藏品品相请看图自定,请您在出价前仔细斟酌,藏品一经出价就表示您对该商品的认可,请尊重双方的各自权利,珍惜彼此的宝贵时间谢谢.有不明之事,拍前联系。过后...
宝丽来PolaroidOneStepCloseUp拍立得相机具体看简介_拍立得相机: 宝丽来PolaroidOneStepCloseUp拍立得相机,不会用不知道好不好使,此商品只当展示收藏品拍。流通品,有污渍和自然磨损,具体品相如图自定。。。【藏行天下】【7788收藏__收藏热线】
别人送我一台Polaroid onestep close up,就是这种样子的。 怎么用啊,要不要装电池啊?还有怎么换相纸啊?我把相纸拆封了,但感觉要比里面的大,怎么回事啊?相纸型号好像叫polacolor 669,到底能不能用啊!谁能教教我,或者把介绍...
camera. The Polaroid OneStep Closeup is powered by a small battery in the film cartridge itself, so it won’t even turn on until you load a new pack of film. I’ll go over how to load the camera below, but before we get started, make sure you have a fresh pack of film in hand...
宝丽来Polaroid 600系列 原厂背带,自带闪光灯,可以调节近摄功能使用600系列胶片相纸相机功能正常 198 赞 回复 转发 赞 收藏 只看楼主 剪刀 (心有猛虎 细嗅蔷薇) 楼主 2013-04-11 21:13:10 UP 赞 回复 花格 (所有的都不是我所拥有的) 2013-04-16 15:00:41 几成新? 赞 回复 剪刀 (心有猛虎 细嗅...
OneStep+ close focus shot. For some reason the I-type film I was using was unusually yellow, which I confirmed wasn’t the fault of the camera. For comparison, here is the same shot with the older OneStep 2. The good news is that the closeup lens does its job well, and selfie-dist...
• has special electronic circuitry to match the electronics in your SONAR OneStep camera. • can recharge in less than 10 seconds. • signals the camera not to operate when the flash is turned off or not fully charged- so you won't waste film. • will not fire when the film pac...