eBay Polaroid Originals 9008 OneStep 2 VF Instant Film Camera, White历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Polaroid Originals 9008 OneStep 2 VF Instant Film Camera, White
继承OneStep 经典机型设计,高品质镜头,固定焦距,可拍摄 0,6 m – 无限远,全新VF取景器,帮助你更好构图画面,内置出色的真空频闪灯管闪光灯,只需一键,即可拍摄出真实独特的影像;另还带有定时自拍功能,充电锂电池,60天超长待机。 OneStep2 可使用 i-Type Film 和 600 Film 两种相纸,建议使用前低温存放,拍摄完成...
继承OneStep 经典机型设计,高品质镜头,固定焦距,可拍摄 0,6 m – 无限远,全新VF取景器,帮助你更好构图画面,内置出色的真空频闪灯管闪光灯,只需一键,即可拍摄出真实独特的影像;另还带有定时自拍功能,充电锂电池,60天超长待机。 OneStep2 可使用 i-Type Film 和 600 Film 两种相纸,建议使用前低温存放,拍摄完成...
Inspired by the original OneStep from 1977, the OneStep 2 serves as a low cost, easy to use, modern camera for those wanting to shoot Polaroid; and it looks great, featuring a design aesthetic that’s a throwback to the original Onestep. Despite the ABS and polycarbonate shell, the OneStep...
Buy Polaroid Originals OneStep 2 Viewfinder I -Type Analogue Instant Camera - White here at Zavvi US, the home of pop culture. Take advantage of our great prices on Blu-ray, merchandise, clothing & more!
Polaroid Originals OneStep 2 i-Type 即影即有相機只需簡單幾個按鈕就能輕鬆拍攝,內置電池一次充電即可使用長達60天。機身正面追加自拍鍵,按鍵後8秒即自動拍攝,亦能靠觀景器對齊相片位置。內置閃光燈和高品質的2英尺縮放鏡頭,確保您只需按下按鈕即可捕捉精彩的畫面。
Polaroid Originals OneStep Plus i-Type 藍芽連接即影即有相機內置閃光燈和高品質的2英尺縮放鏡頭,確保您只需按下按鈕即可捕捉精彩的畫面,一次充電即可使用長達60天。連接手機APP即可將手機用作控制快門的遙控器,再也不會錯過合影,創造出各種不同的影像效果。
4月2日 07:38 来自微博weibo.com 免邮Polaroid 宝丽来 OneStep 2 拍立得相机现在7折+赠送相纸,Polaroid 旗下彩虹系列是大家族中具有里程碑意义的产品,帮助无数用户留下了动人瞬间,机身尺寸150x110x95mm,重460g。地址中文汉字、邮编和手机号必须正确,满50英镑免费邮寄中国 ,订单可以跟踪!赠送相纸码:IWFILM 链接...
Last year, the Impossible Project, er,Polaroid Originalsreleased theOneStep 2. It was a simple, affordable instant film camera that was (and still is) one of the best cameras for those just dipping their toe into the wide world of instant film photography. However, it also marked a dramatic...
Originals OneStep 2 is a new instant camera that’s the spiritual successor to the iconic Polaroid OneStep, which helped popularize the medium 4 decades ago. Like the original camera, the OneStep 2 is a fully analog camera that’s compatible with both 600 film and a new i-Type film. ...