简单汇报下这台Model 100的参数呗,独立对焦&平行视差校正取景器,三组玻璃片镜头,金属机身,有脚架孔。一般自动风琴机的差别也就在取景器、镜头和机身,成像区别不会很大,对别的参数有追求的都去玩专业机了。当然曝光补偿、对焦、环境模式还是得根据实际情况调,至于ISO,现在市面上最方便购买也最方便玩的是Fuji家的FP...
套餐二:100相机+彩色相纸一盒+专用相册+闪光灯+近摄镜 Polaroid Model 100 新手入门推荐机型:MODEL 100 宝丽来公司跨时代packfilm系列的首台相机和电子快门相机,更具收藏价值! 实现自动测光功能。作为风琴机经典型号,拥有金属机身,4光圈选择的实用相机,Model 100 一直是入门机型大热门。
宝丽来 polaroid Model100 film pack 风琴…,堆糖图片。堆糖,美图壁纸兴趣社区。拥有几十亿高清优质图片,数千万用户的珍藏分享,一键收藏下载美图,点亮生活无限灵感,做你的美好研究所:情侣头像,手机壁纸,表情包,头像,壁纸,高清壁纸,图片,壁纸图片,图片下载。
Integral film: is also distributed in a film pack, but each film envelope contains all the chemical layers to expose, develop, and fix the photo. It was introduced in 1972. Polavision: An instant motion picture film, Polavision, was introduced by Polaroid in 1978, with an image format ...
**Adaptable and Enduring** The Polaroid 600 18 inch self-adhesive film diy handmade album is not just a product; it's a statement of your commitment to preserving memories. The expired polaroid film, my polaroid wont change setting, and polaroid film 100 pack are all compatible with this ...
The Polaroid Go Film comes with 16 iconic yet tiny frames to capture all of life's moments just as they happen. Compatible only with the Polaroid Go Camera.
The Polaroid Go Film comes with 16 iconic yet tiny frames to capture all of life's moments just as they happen. Compatible only with the Polaroid Go Camera.
https://youtu.be/UHYeu-3LmRk Since pack film is no longer made, and Fujifilm makes no decent cameras for Instax wide film, it is desirable to modify Polaroid Land cameras to use Instax. Lets make ... INSTAFRANKENROID! I had an old Polaroid 100 automatic Land camera, already hacked ...
Polaroid自动风琴机 (全称Polaroid automatic land camera,风琴机是俗称),一共分4个系列:100系、200系、300系、400系。 “自动”两个字的意思是:由机器本身的测光器,来决定快门速度。 光圈数、环境模式、曝光补偿、对焦等还是需要拍摄者自己来设定——抽片更是需要操作者来手动抽出,任何一款风琴机都不会自动出片...
这些年宝丽来所产出的都是黑白胶卷。 宝丽来之前一直采用的都是roll film(胶卷)形式,也从未出现过彩色照片,直到1963年彩色pack film(撕拉片)系列以及带有电子快门Automatic 100风琴式皮腔相机上市,可拍摄彩色照片,并且撕拉片价格相对便宜,这一点引起了众多业余爱好者的兴趣,packfilm的经典形象延续了很多年,也让此后的...