Polaroid modified to use Instax film- episode 2 - making the film drive 2.4万 12 12:25 App 最佳便携无反相机竟然是它 5 -- 16:02 App [RotarySMP] How to modify a polaroid land camera to use instax wide film - Episo 1044 -- 3:29 App Yashica Rapide 689 -- 13:15 App Why Dunlop...
Instax cameras Polaroid cameras Film Printers Special editions Performance Verdict Sooner or later, Instax vs Polaroid becomes a question you have to answer. Because if you don't already own one, it's inevitable that an instant camera (or instant printer) is going to come into your life!...
Instant camera film sizes: a visual comparison (Image credit: James Artaius) The above image is probably the easiest way to illustrate the difference in size between the various film types. It's pretty easy to figure out which are the biggest and smallest between the individual...
Fujifilm Instax Mini Film - Variety Pack, Instant Camera Film, 40 exposures, 5.4cm x 8.6cm (film size) Add $3144current price $31.44Fujifilm Instax Mini Film - Variety Pack, Instant Camera Film, 40 exposures, 5.4cm x 8.6cm (film size) 324.8 out of 5 Stars. 32 reviews Polaroid 600...
网络释义 1. 波拉一步摄影胶片 医学词汇(P)--上海翻译公司-021-58377363 ...Polaroid camera film波拉一步摄影胶片polarid filter 偏振光滤光镜 ... www.2008translation.com|基于29个网页
這個是在輕顏相機 (unlike)裡面的:風格→日常貼紙→電影定格 望採納 波拉
Color Film for SX-70 White Frame 售價 RMB152 會員價 RMB144當你買了第一部相機後,立即會成為永久會員。 數量 缺貨中 商品簡介用家評價 全新白框相紙,連全新包裝 加強細緻度,2分鐘內開始顯影,15分鐘完成顯影。 技巧提示 •相紙調度說明書 • 顏色細緻鮮明,對比度高,成像穩定 ...
The camera uses Polaroid's proprietary instant film, which produces a small, square print that develops right in front of your eyes. The film is inserted into the camera through a slot on the back and is automatically ejected after each picture is taken. A refurbished vintage Polaroid One ...
Cross-border Polaroid Print Camera, Student Party, Brilliant 深圳市思行数码科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 36.6% 广东 深圳市宝安区 ¥74.00 Children's Mini Polaroid厂家跨境新品A23相机拍立得一拍即出 深圳市硕盛达数码科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 0% 广东 深圳市 ¥55.81 35傻瓜冲洗一次性胶片彩...
Polaroid宝丽来 i-Type Film胶片拍立得相机礼物宽幅相纸8张礼品 Polaroid/宝丽来品牌 一件代发 ¥119.0月销10个 佛山品盛典电子商务有限公司5年 乐的高宝丽来照相机宝丽莱SY-70积木213145拼装玩具拍立得摆件新 一件代发48小时发货 ¥57.0 深圳市龙岗区中燊贸易商行(个体工商户)2年 ...