Nikoskinen, Image polarization and dipole moment of a cluster of two similar conducting spheres, J. Electrostatics 35 (1995) 267-277.J.C-E.Sten,K.I.Nikoskinen,Image polarization and dipole moment of a cluster of two similar conducting spheres[J].Journal of Electrostatics,1995,(35):267....
Measuring ferroelectric properties of the smallest achieved BaTiO${}_{3}$ ferroelectric nanoparticles allows for the determination of dipole moment and spontaneous polarization as a function of size and concentration; the results are significantly greater than in bulk BaTiO${}_{3}$. This is achieved...
非极化材料,中性原子本身的电荷是集中在中心的,无外部作用的时候不会显现出偶极子的性质,但在外部电场的作用下正负电荷发生偏移形成了暂时的偶极子。 顺便引入一下Dipole moment的概念:p→=q⋅l→,从负电荷指向正电荷。 然后是离子极化: 主要存在于由离子组成的材料中,例如盐,酸碱,产生极化的原因是离子结构。 ...
We propose the construction of a set of quantum hydrodynamics equations for the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) where atoms have electric dipole moment (EDM). The contribution of the dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) to the Euler equation is estimated. Quantum equations for the evolution of medium ...
a vector quantity indicating the electric dipole moment per unit of volume of a dielectric. the induction ofpolarityin a ferromagnetic substance. the production or acquisition of polarity. Discover More Other Words From de·po lar·i·za tionnoun ...
However, we know that a dipole does not radiate along its axis. When viewed from the top or the side, only one of the two dipoles contributes to the received signal, and the polarization is linear. The polarization of the wave radiated by an antenna can depend on the direction of ...
1 均勻電場路徑(b)9-1.5 點電荷的電位點電荷的電位點電荷的電位圖9-1.6 一組點電荷的電位 The principle of superposition on a circle on an arcEx.2 12 electrons9-1.7 電雙極的電位雙極矩 p = qdp 由負電荷指向正電荷Induced Dipole Moment感應雙極矩極化 (polarization)11-4.5 Polarization (偏振)...
Polarizationanddipoletransitions Absorption:Theprobabilityofatransitionofamoleculebetweentwoenergeticlevels(forexampleS0S1)isproportionaltocos2f,wherefistheanglebetweenthedipolemomentofthetransitionandthedirectionofpolarizationoftheexcitationlight.+ - potentialdipoleorientationprobabilityofexcitationPhotoselection:...
form adipole moment. However, atT ≤ Tc, the cubic structure is slightly distorted, resulting in a slight displacement of Ba2+and Ti4+ions. This displacement, though very small (only about 0.15Å), is enough to cause the centroid of the negative charges to be different from that of ...
Particularly, the focused spiral beam also known as Kevin’s chirality41 can create chiral dipole moment inside the medium42, which guides the oriented growth of spiral nanostructures. The diameter of the spiral nanostructures can be tuned with different magnification objectives (Supplementary Fig. 11...