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The article features the winning photograph of Lenswork Publishing company photojournalist Aaron Huey, the first place winner for The Arts category of the National Press Photographers Association Best of Photojournalism 2005. Huey's winning portfolio depicts young girls who are waiting for their turn ...
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ReactHTML import {Icon} from '@shopify/polaris'; import {PlusCircleIcon} from '@shopify/polaris-icons'; import React from 'react'; function IconExample() { return <Icon source={PlusCircleIcon} />; } Props interface IconProps sourceany The SVG contents to display in the icon (icons shou...
Related components To add a tooltip for a button with an associated keyboard shortcut,use the tooltip component Accessibility The text of the keyboard key component is read by screen readers, but the visual formatting isn’t conveyed. Ensure that merchants are able to understand information about ...
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