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“There’s no wrong way to enjoy a Slingshot. Whether attracting attention with head-turning styling or escaping for an adventure, nothing on the road allows drivers to make their mark more than a Slingshot,” said Chris Sergeant, Polaris Slingshot Vice President. “We’re excited to bring SL...
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In 1954, our founders created an early snowmobile to better travel through northern Minnesota winter. Ever since, that same ingenuity and ability to THINK OUTSIDE has driven Polaris and our brands forward as we pioneer product breakthroughs and enriching experiences that help people work and play ...
这是一辆在国外一直流行的2016款北极星Polaris Slingshot三轮跑车,全车的外观辨识度极高,配上定制涂装,定制22英寸轮毂和Alpha Performance制动套件,性能部分,换装了Alpha Performance进气歧管,JRi可调节减震器,车内则更换了定制Kenwood / MTX音频系统,可想而知这样拉风的三轮跑车在路上街跑的吸睛率! 发动机和性能 Alpha...
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相比奥迪TT和马自达MX-5更为拉风的2020款北极星Polaris Slingshot三轮跑车,新车搭载2.0升四缸发动机,匹配全新5速自动变速箱可输出206马力和195牛·米的扭矩,凭借只有744千克车身,百公里加速仅需4.9秒,售价26,499美元。 相比奥迪TT和马自达MX-5更为拉风的2020款北极星Polaris Slingshot三轮跑车,新车搭载2.0升...
How does it work? In response to Covid-19 we have stepped up our cleaning procedures. All of our vehicles are completely sanitized before and after each rental so you have nothing to worry about! Unlimited Miles Insurance Included Automatic & Manual Slingshots Available ...
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