doi:10.1029/2023JD039373POLAR vortexRAINFALLOZONE layerOZONE layer depletionATMOSPHERIC modelsZONAL windsUsing the ERA5 reanalysis data, we identify seven easily calculable indices of the strength of the Arctic stratospheric vortex: zonal winds at 10 hPa and temperature or height anomalies at ...
polar vortex Encyclopedia Wikipedia n (General Physics)meteorola large mass of rotating air located in the upper-middle atmospheric layers over either of the earth's poles, typically behind a polar front Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publis...
In doing so, we answer three important questions: (i) How are the t2g and eg orbitals affected by the local polarization and tetragonality? (ii) How does the rotation of the Ti 3d-orbitals affect the local crystal field? and, (iii) What is the crystal field at the vortex core, a ...
while polarization in STO remains negligibly small (Fig.1c). We thus keepn = 10 to maintain the desired vortex array in PTO, and reduce the thickness of STO. Atm = 10, sign of antivortex pattern
Nontrivial polarization textures have been demonstrated in ferroelectric/dielectric superlattices, where the electrostatic, elastic, and different gradient energies compete in a delicate balance. When PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices are grown on DyScO3, the coexistence of ferroelectric domains and vortex structu...
— Dr. Tamitha Skov (@TamithaSkov)February 2, 2023 According to the National Weather Service, apolar vortexon our planet is a large low-pressure system of cold air that strengthens in the winter. On Earth, it happens "fairly regularly" and is known for sending surges of Arctic weather to...
Forecasters believe a disruption to the current flow will happen in the new year, but early indications are that the air mass won’t send the country into tundra territory. A stable Arctic Polar Vortex. (FOX Weather) "There isn’t a one-to-one correlation between what’s happening with ...
Polar vortices were noticed long ago. But the first known use of the term “polar vortex” was in a magazine in 1853. Polar vortices are present year-round, but we don’t hear about them until they cause problems. They maintain freezing temperatures at the North and South poles by moving...
While El Niño is still just as strong, a major change in the jet stream pattern is already underway. One of the keys to the pattern change is the polar vortex which is expected to split into two parts, and one piece is...
After vortex to dissolve sample, the mixture was stood for a while for the separation of layers, 550 μL of water layer was mixed with 50 μL of internal standard (DSS) (0.001 g/100 μL) and then transferred to 5 mm of NMR tube, and 600 μL from the CDCL3 layer was to another...