User Manual for Polar Vantage M in Chinese, Simplified (网络手册) 其他语言的用户手册 更新 Polar SleepWise™ now available for Ignite, Unite, Vantage M and Vantage V Polar Flow update – New sport profiles Polar Vantage V and Vantage M 5.2.4 firmware updates ...
在时间视图中,使用“UP(向上)”和“DOWN(向下)”按钮,导航到 Sleep(睡眠)表盘。 如果手表检测出您已醒来,会在表盘上显示您的睡眠时间。 您也可以手动停止睡眠追踪。如果手表检测出睡眠时间至少有四小时,会在睡眠表盘上显示 Already awake?(已经睡醒?)。按 OK(确定)告诉手表您已睡醒,选择 Stop tracking your ...
Vantage V2 Vantage V Grit X Pro Grit X Pacer Pro Vantage M2 Vantage M Ignite 2 Ignite Unite 旧款跑表 V800 M430 M600 M400 M200 心率传感器 H10 H9 OH1 Verity Sense H7 前几天有个哥们咨询我 Vantage V2 和 H10 配对使用遇到的问题,聊了好半天我才发现他进行训练时竟是通过点击手机端 Flow App ...
如果你的轨迹导航设置过多个下撤路线或者分支路线,可在行进中暂停轨迹导航,即时变更你下一步的路线。相关功能可参考GXP说明书65页: 心率传感器模式。让你的GX采集的心率可以通过蓝牙向周围广播,比如发送...
VantageV2 142 PolarFlowSyncSoftware 145 PolarFlowmobileapplicationcompatibility 145 WaterresistanceofPolarproducts 145 Regulatoryinformation 146 LimitedInternationalPolarGuarantee 146 Disclaimer 147 7 POLARVANTAGEV2USERMANUAL Thisusermanualhelpsyougetstartedwithyournewwatch.ToseevideotutorialsandFAQs,goto /en/vantage...
Polar Vantage M3 is a compact smart multi-sport watch with personal training and coaching tools for sports and intuitive automatic sleep and recovery tracking.
按钮功能 Vantage M Vantage M2 2. 从 App Store 或 Google Play 下载 Polar Flow 应用。 ·按 OK (确定)确认选择。 ·用 UP(向上)/DOWN(向下)按钮浏览表盘、训练视图和菜 3. 打开手机上的 Polar Flow 应用。Polar Flow 应用会识别您的 单,在选择列表中移动并调整选择的数值。 手表,并提示您开始配对。
46 有关手动和自动校准步幅传感器的详细说明,请参见利用 Grit X/Vantage V/Vantage M 校准 Polar 步幅传感器。 只有在步幅传感器与手表配对之后,此选项才会显示。 我的最爱: 在 Favorites( 我的最爱) 中,您可以找到在 Flow 网络服务中保存为我的最爱的训练目标,并 将其同步至手表。选择您要执行的最喜爱的...
like the processor change – it’s not massive. And in fact, the first day I was using it, it seemed really quick. But it seems to have slowed slightly since then, to basically be the same in most situations as the Grit X Pro or Vantage M2. Only a few times will it be quicker...
Guarantee with respect to any product will be limited to countries where the product has been initially marketed by Polar Electro Oy/Inc. The complete guarantee terms can be found in the user manual. Warranty url ...