請注意,您要有 Strava Summit 分析功能套裝,才能在 Polar Pacer Pro 上使用 Strava Live Segments 功能.一經啟用 Strava Live Segments,將路段匯出至您的 Flow 賬戶並與 Pacer Pro 同步後,就可於接近任何收藏的 Strava 路段時從手錶收到提示. 啟用路段以進行運動時,手錶上會顯示即時表現資料,顯示您正超...
NotethatyouneedtohaveaStravaSummitAnalysispacktousetheStravaLiveSegmentsfeatureonyourPolar VantageV2.OnceyouhaveactivatedStravaLiveSegmentsandexportedsegmentstoyourFlowaccountandsynced themtoyourVantageV2youwillreceiveanalertonyourwatchwhenapproachinganyofyourfavoriteStravasegments. Whenperformingasegment,youllgetreal-...
Each mechanism would imprint a unique signature on the global Jovian temperature gradients, thus revealing the dominant heat source, but a lack of planet-wide, high-resolution data has meant that these gradients have not been determined. Here we report infrared spectroscopy of Jupiter with a ...
WILL CALL:The Will Call window is located on Madison Street in the DCU Plaza, next to the WooSox Shop (the Team Store), or at the corner of Plymouth and Summit St. at the Fallon Health Square at Gate A ticket container. Will Call opens shortly before the gates open. You can pick ...
At the South Pole, Cl and Si seem anomalous on the factor diagram; the anomaly possibly being caused by emissions from Erebus Volcano. Both Cl and Si were enriched in samples taken from the fuming vent at the summit of Mt. Erebus. The anomalous behavior of Cl, Si and Cu may not be ...
Think of hearing that special song as you reach the summit at sunset. Now, straight on your Grit X, you can navigate around your playlist and adjust volume without having to take out and look at your phone. Leave it in your backpack – just press a button on your Grit X and the ...
The summit plateau was the exception to this general trend where the contact resistances observed where often under 0.5 MΩ even with these being the coldest conditions encountered. These low contact resistances likely result from a change in the chemical composition of the snow conditions ...
17.38 x 38.31 x 17.75 Inches Directions Fabric Care Instructions Hand Wash Warranty Warranty information Igloo Products Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service from the date of original purchase for the period listed on igloocoolers...
implementation in January 2013, the “Youth Guarantee” was decided by the EU Ministry Council for Employment and Social Policy (EPSCO) in February 2013 (Eichhorst et al.,2013b). In late June 2013, the EU summit decided to go forward with this concept. However, once converted into national...
In 2005, CCAMLR began discussions on the construction of a network of marine-protected areas around Antarctica in response to the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development initiative for a representative network of marine-protected areas. Starting with the workshop, the plan was gradually ...