Posted inAdvocacy,Population,Sea ice habitat Taggedadvocacy,Amstrup,BioScience,Crockford,data,Harvey,independence,jittering,polar bear,principle component analysis,science communication,statistical lipstick,statistics,Stirling Polar bears refused to die as predicted and this is how the propheseers respond ...
[161] detected minimal activity before 08:00 h during January–March for the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population. Moreover, Stirling [138] identified the first 8 h of the day as the most advantageous period for still-hunting seals, the favored hunting strategy of polar bears during ...
whoops – that’s wrong…the ice increase results from increased albedo caused by a vastly increased polar bear fleet. The fact that supposedly scientifically educated adults still can’t even agree on something as black & white as sea ice extent and polar bear population (to the nearest 5,...