At this time of year, the Cape Churchill caribou herd (population ca. 3,000) is wandering by with their new calves. Unlike deer, both male and female caribou have antlers. The bears and the caribou simply ignore each other most of the time. Very rarely, a bear will chase one and ...
Below is a chart of sea ice at 25 April 2018, showing sea ice in all PBSG polar bear subpopulation regions: Some Arctic subregions below, in detail.Continue reading Comments Off Posted inLife History,Sea ice habitat TaggedBarents Sea,birth,facts,feeding,mating,polar bear,population size,science...
Last week, a polar bear attacked a German researcher in East Greenland. The researcher, part of a team on Traill Island, encountered the bear on Friday morning. Continue reading→ Comments Off Posted inPolar bear attacks,Population,Sea ice habitat ...
In 2014, the chairman of the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG)emailed meto say that their global population size number ‘has never been an estimate of total abundance in a scientific sense, but simply a qualified guess given to satisfy public demand.’ In my new book,The Polar Bear ...
[161] detected minimal activity before 08:00 h during January–March for the Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population. Moreover, Stirling [138] identified the first 8 h of the day as the most advantageous period for still-hunting seals, the favored hunting strategy of polar bears during ...
BinBear/AAChartKit BinBear/AAChartKitPublic forked fromAAChartModel/AAChartKit NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 master BranchesTags Code README MIT license AAChartKit The Swift version of AAChartKit can be found here:...
Polar bear habitat for June — the last month of spring in the Arctic — is stillwithin 2 standard deviationsof the long-term average despite sea ice experts’ predictions that catastrophic declines can be expected any year now. The Arctic sea ice cover in June 2024 retreated at a below ave...
However, while breakup of sea ice on Hudson Bay was indeedearly this yearandfreeze-up came later than usual, Western Hudson polar bears apparently spent only the fifth-longest time on land since 1979, according to a polar bear specialist. How is that even possible, given that sea ice condit...
There is no evidence that record-low summer sea ice in 2012 had a harmful effect on Southern Beaufort bear numbers. Other species are being negatively impacted by high polar bear numbers, especially nesting sea birds and ducks. Western Hudson Bay population numbers have been stable since 2004, ...
Comments Off on Ryrkaypiy ‘over-run’ by >50 polar bears is probably due to more Chukchi Sea bears Posted in Advocacy, Conservation Status, Polar bear attacks, Population, Sea ice habitat Tagged Chukchi Sea, facts, fat, polar bear, problem bears, Russia, sea ice, thin, walrusPolar...