Polar Area Moment of Inertia and Section Modulus. The polar moment of inertia, J, of a cross-section with respect to a polar axis, that is, an axis at right angles to the plane of the cross-section, is defined as the moment of inertia of the cross-section with respect to the point ...
f,i) of the thermal demagnetization of representative samples from the section at Yongdong (SY) in geographic coordinates. In the Zijderveld plots, black and white dots represent horizontal and vertical projections, respectively, while in the equal area projections, they ...
Journal of Earth Science(2023) True polar wander in the Earth system Chong Wang Ross N. Mitchell Science China Earth Sciences(2023) Enigmatic well-characterized remanent magnetization of silicified Lower Devonian rocks from the Tadrart area (Murzuq basin, SE Algeria) ...