Polandball Wiki has a gallery of artwork, comics, GIFs, and videos of UKball. Click here to see it. See also V • E Former Elizabethreich The Divided Bri'ish United Kingdom of Eurosceptic Teaholics Great Britain and Northern Ireland: God and my right V • E The Allies - Liberatin...
UKball's and Germanyball's bathrooms. When it is scared or in trouble its characteristic cry is "Kurwa!" (which means fuck). It is the most popular countryball (considering thatPoland itself is the main character of the meme). Sometimes it speaks in third person grammar (it) referring ...
In the Great War, Netherlandsball chose to remain neutral as its neighbors Reichtangle and UKball fought over its estranged child Belgiumball's clay but was beaten by Nazi Germanyball in 1940, and its clay was anschlussed for four years, along with all the Jewcubes it had sheltered from ...
Polandball Wiki has a gallery of artwork, comics, GIFs, and videos of Denmarkball. Click here to see it. Se øgså (See alsø) V • E Kingdom of Legos Denmark: A man has fallen into the river in Lego City! God's Help, the Love of the People, Denmark's Strength! Danish Re...
Franceball still has a half-friendly rivalry against UKball, who treacherously "stole its America," as they say, and who sucks at cooking. Franceball also retained some of their imperial possessions, such as French Guianaball, Réunionball, or French Polynesiaball. They were children who had...
Then in 1754, Franceball and UKball fought the Seven Years' War until 1763, when the Treaty of Parisball 1763 gave UKball adoption rights to Franceball's child New Franceball (AKA Canadaball). Soon afterward, UKball's other North American child Thirteen Coloniesball rebelled against its ...
Indiaball, officially the Tech support tea generator (UKball: GIVE. ME. TEA. AND. CURRY. NOW.) Republic of Indiaball, also known as Bharatball is a sovereign stateball, a federal republic in South Asia. Indiaball is the 7th largest country in the world with a total area of 3.287 mill...
In the cutscene you are shown at the UN council getting shammed by USAball (along with Franceball, UKball, Russiaball, Chinaball and UNball) and are sentenced to being sanctioned forever. Obesity Ending You get this ending if you keep a McDonald's building for too long. In the cuts...
UKball - Thank you for giving me marriage and adoption, but FUCK JK ROLLING!! Also, one of your legendary singers is gay himself! USAball - We have our ups and downs, but our relations are getting closer as your society is getting more of tolerant. And thank you for electing Joe Bide...
USAball, Franceball, UKball, and a few other countryballs tried to stop it, but were kicked out, along with their 150,000 troops. It survived until 1922 and attempted to spread communism into the former territories of its parent's empire, such as the newly independent Polandball, who stopp...