Being a natural groundwater discharge at the topographic surface, springs are also important hotspots of biodiversity. The increasing demand for groundwater and climate change, are major threat to springs worldwide. This study presents the scale and diversity of the process of spring disappearance, ...
For the WS-fraction in summer, the highest values were recorded in URD collected at the Katowice agglomeration in the case of Mn, As, Zn, and Mg, which suggests that the amount of simulated runoff from that region can have great impact on water organisms. It can also be stated that alth...
Short-Term Vegetation Dynamics of Alnus Dominated Peatlands: a High Resolution Palaeoecological Case Study from Western Pomerania (NE Germany) Actual ecological research postulates for alder carrs a cyclic alternation of Alnus tree vegetation with open fen or Salix dominated vegetation. Such cyc... ...
Technical Note: Application of artificial neural networks in groundwater table forecasting – a case study in Singapore swamp forest Accurate prediction of groundwater table is important for the efficient management of groundwater resources. Despite being the most widely used tools for d... Y Sun,...
The launch trailer for Final Fantasy XVI, “Salvation,” was revealed today as part of the PlayStation Showcase. With only around a month left until release, this outstanding trailer comes as we eagerly await the game! The story […] Sunil Godhania Senior Social Media Manager, Square Enix...
In the case of very and extremely cool years, clearly cooler periods can be seen: 1940–1971 (5 very cool years) and 1871–1900 (2 very cool years and 1 extremely cool). In these periods, very cool winters and springs are more frequent (winters: 1939/1940, 1946/1947, 1962/1963 and...
environmental effects of polyaluminum chloride application on the water quality of two connected, shallow urban lakes in the Mazurian Lakeland, Poland. The... opata, Micha,H Gawrońska,B Jaworska,... - 《Water Science & Technology A Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Re...
Prediction and reduction of diffuse pollution, solid emission and extreme flows from rural areas - case study of small agricultural catchments In recent years the implementation of the EU "Water Framework Directive" has led to increased focus on water quality and measures to improve the quality. ...
phosphorus is the limiting factor for eutrophication in spring, and nitrogen in summer and autumn, due to the specificity of temperatures and meteorological conditions22,23. The main source of phosphorus in water bodies is its release from sediments24, and in the case of nitrogen, from denitrifica...
This is the first case of MDR detected in Poland but in our opinion this is just "the tip of the iceberg". This is mainly due to gaps in farmers' and veterinarians' know- ledge of factors responsible for the development and spread of AR in ruminant parasites. Goats are known to ...